Indonesia faces world challenges, where the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a benchmark for the progress of a country. Indonesia’s transition from developing country to developed countries is in line with the vision of “Indonesia Maju 2045”. There are many sectors that have a direct impact, both beneficial and detrimental. But the Indonesian government still sticks to the concept of “challenge is opportunity” so that there is no word “loss” for the future development of the Indonesian economy.

Digitalization is a way that can automatically facilitate all human activities, especially in terms of efficiency, although on the other hand, we have to accept the fact that there is a lot of human work that will be taken over by machines. It even has been predicted before in the past years that using machines can cause rampant flow of unemployment. But it is only a prediction that in reality, human finds ways to survive in counterbalancing technological development.

It is undeniable that the existence of the internet, intranet, e-commerce, electronic data interchange, virtual office, telemedicine in Society 4.0 has “cut” time and distance and increased efficiency of human works. For many developing countries, one of the biggest obstacle, perhaps, lies in the inability of its Human Resources. Therefore, the mindset of the community “must be upgraded” again. In some cases, government institutions for example, though the function of technology is to help the work, here it is only placed as an administrative precondition. Glancing at this imprecision, Japan as a country which is known for its technological advancements, has introduced society 5.0 where digital technology is applied and centered on human and aims so that human can increase efficiency in fulfilling their jobs.

A little backward, in Society 1.0, human was still in the era of hunting and getting to know writing. In the Society 2.0, human had started farming and pursue the agricultural sector. In Society 3.0, the industrial era, human recognized machines as tools to help their activities. Then in Society 4.0, human starts using computers and the internet.

The first Industrial Revolution was marked by the emergence of steam engines. Second, the use of electricity for mass production. Third, the introduction of computers and the internet. Fourth, the emergence of a digitalization that allows all activities to be carried out quickly and automatically. This is what we know as the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and through this revolution society transforms from Society 4.0 into Society 5.0.

The distance between Society 4.0 and Society 5.0 is fairly close. Because there are not many differences between the concept of Society 4.0 and Society 5.0. Society 4.0 is more reliant on information acceleration while Society 5.0 places more emphasis on human as the center of technological development, through digitalization.

Changes in the focus of technological development in Society 4.0 and Society 5.0 will certainly have an impact on many sectors. And for that, it is felt that a deeper study of what kind of “weapons” would be more appropriate for dealing with these changes is needed.

ISASTech: International Symposium on Applied Science and Technology 2020, together with The OISAA Symposium America-Europe Region 2020 saw the “anxiety” and invited “those” who also had the same anxiety to contribute their ideas through this symposium. Based on that, the theme raised is:

“Achieving The Sustainability Development Goals: Contriving The Blueprint to Face Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0”

From these themes, five sub-themes are sorted considering the most developed sectors in Indonesia’s development:

  1. Digitalization and its impact on the national economy.
  2. Digitalization of agriculture, marine, and animal husbandry.
  3. Academic impacts of digital education.
  4. Impact of digitalization on art and culture.
  5. Application of digital technology in the public sector.

So, what are you waiting for? Wait for the registration date! See you in Istanbul!

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